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Publications Northeast Science Station Email: sazimov55@mail.ru |
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Chapin, F.S., III, M. Hoel, S.R. Carpenter, J. Lubchenco, B. Walker, T.V. Callaghan, C. Folke, S. Levin, K.-G. Mśler, C. Nilsson, S. Barrett, F. Berkes, A.-S. Crepin, K. Danell, T. Rosswall, D. Starrett, T. Xepapadeas, and S.A. Zimov. In press. Building resilience and adaptation to manage arctic change. Ambio.
Finlay J., J.C. Neff, S. Zimov, A. Davydova, and S. Davydov. Snowmelt dominance of dissolved organic carbon in high-latitude watersheds: implications for characterization and flux of river DOC.Snowmelt dominance of dissolved organic carbon in high-latitude watersheds: implications for characterization and flux of river DOC. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L10401, doi:10.1029/2006GL025754
Zimov, S.A., E.A.G. Schuur, and F.S. Chapin, III. 2006. Permafrost and the Global Carbon Budget, Science 312:1612-1613.
Summary: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/312/5780/1612?ijkey=AtmokuIY/.zr6&keytype=ref&siteid=sci
Full Text: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/312/5780/1612?ijkey=AtmokuIY/.zr6&keytype=ref&siteid=sci
Walter, K.M., M. Edwards, S.A. Zimov, and F.S. Chapin, III. In press Thaw lakes as a source of atmospheric CH4 during the last deglaciation. Nature.
2005 (Listed alphabetically)
Chapin, F.S., III, M. Berman, T.V. Callaghan, P. Convey, A.-S. Crepin, K. Danell, H. Ducklow, B. Forbes, G. Kofinas, A.D. McGuire, M. Nuttall, R. Virginia, O. Young, and S. Zimov. 2005. Polar Systems. Pages 717-743 In H. Hassan, R. Scholes, and N. Ash (Eds.) Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Current State and Trends. Island Press, Washington, ISBN 1-55963-227-5.
C . Corradi, O. Kolle, K. Walter, S. A. Zimov and E.-D. Schulze. Carbon dioxide and methane exchange of a north-east Siberian tussock tundra.Global Change Biology (2005) 11, pp.1910–1925. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01023.x.
Welp, L.R., J.T. Randerson, J.C. Finlay, Zimova, G.M., Davydova, A.I., Davydov, S.P., and S.A. Zimov. 2005. A high-resolution time series of oxygen isotopes from the Kolyma River: Implications for the seasonal dynamics of discharge and basin-scale water use. Geophysical Research Letters. 32: Art. no. L14401.
Zimov S.A. Pleistocene Park: Return of the Mammoth’s Ecosystem.Science, 2005, Vol. 308. pp. 796-798.
Chapin, F.S., III. T.V. Callaghan, Y. Bergeron, M. Fukuda, J.F. Johnstone, G. Juday, and S.A. Zimov. 2004. Global change and the boreal forest: Thresholds, shifting states or gradual change? Ambio 33: 361-365.
Fyodorov-Davydov, D.G., Davidov S.P., Davydova A.I. Zimov S.A. Mergelov N.S., Ostroumov V.E., Sorokovikov V.A., Kholodov A. L, Mitroshin, I.A. Prostranstvenno-vremennye zakonomernosti sezonnogo protaivania pochv na severe Kolymskoj nizmennosti.. 2004 Kriosfera Zemli, t. 8 No 4. s. 15-26.
Fyodorov-Davydov, D., V.Sorokovikov, V.Ostroumov, A.Kholodov,I.Mitroshin, N.Mergelov, S.Davydov, S.Zimov, A.Davydova. Spatial and temporal observations of seasonal thaw in the Northern Kolyma Lowland. Polar Geography. 2004, 28, 4, pp. 308-325.
B. Shapiro, A. Drummond, A. Rambaut, M. Wilson, P. Matheus, A. Sher, O. Pybus, M.T. P. Gilbert, I. Barnes, J. Binladen, E. Willerslev, A. Hansen, G.F.,Baryshnikov, J. Burns, S. Davydov, J. Driver, D. Froese, C. R.,Harington, G. Keddie, P. Kosintsev, M. L. Kunz, L. D. Martin, R.,Stephenson, J.Storer, R. Tedford, S. Zimov, A. Cooper. Rise and Fall of the Beringian Steppe Bison. Science, 2004; 306: 1561-1565.
2001 (Listed alphabetically)
Chuprinin, V.I., Zimov, S.A. Molchanov, L.A. Modelirovanie temicheskogo rezhima pochvogruntov s uchetom biologicheskogo istochnika tepla. Kriosfera Zemli 2001 t. 5 No 1 s. 80-87.
Zimov, S.A., Y.V. Voropaev, S.P. Davydov, G.M. Zimova, A.I. Davydova, F.S. Chapin, III, and M.C. Chapin. 2001. Flux of methane from North Siberian aquatic systems: Influence on atmospheric methane. Pages 511-524 In R. Paepe and V. Melnikov (Eds.) Permafrost Response on Economic Development, Environmental Security and Natural Resources. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague.
Previous years 2000-1979 (Listed in reverse chronological order)
Chapin, F.S., III, A.D. McGuire, J. Randerson, R. Pielke, Sr., D. Baldocchi, S.E. Hobbie, N. Roulet, W. Eugster, E. Kasischke, E.B. Rastetter, S.A. Zimov, and S.W. Running. 2000. Arctic and boreal ecosystems of western North America as components of the climate system. Global Change Biology 6(Suppl. 1): 211-223.
Zimov, S.A., S.P. Davidov, G.M.Zimova, A.I. Davidova, F.S. Chapin, III, M.C. Chapin, and J.F. Reynolds. 1999. Contribution of disturbance to high-latitude amplification of atmospheric CO2. Science 284: 1973-1976.
Zimov, S.A., Y.V. Voropaev, I.P. Semiletov, S.P. Davidov, S.F. Prosiannikov, F.S. Chapin, III, M.C. Chapin, S. Trumbore, and S. Tyler. 1997. North Siberian lakes: a methane source fueled by Pleistocene carbon. Science 277:800-802.
Zimov, S.A., S.P. Davidov, Y.V. Voropaev, S.F. Prosiannikov, I.P. Semiletov, M.C. Chapin, and F.S. Chapin, III. 1996. Siberian CO2 efflux in winter as a CO2 source and cause of seasonality in atmospheric CO2. Climatic Change 33:111-120
Chapin, III, S.A. Zimov, G.R. Shaver, and S.E. Hobbie. 1996. CO2 fluctuation at high latitudes. Nature 383: 585-586.
Zimov, S.A., V.I. Chuprynin, A.P. Oreshko, F.S. Chapin, III, J.F. Reynolds, M.C. Chapin. 1995. Steppe-tundra transition: an herbivore-driven biome shift at the end of the Pleistocene. Am. Nat. 146:765-794.
Zimov, S.A., V.I. Chuprynin, A.P. Oreshko, F.S. Chapin, III, M.C. Chapin, and J.F. Reynolds. 1995. Effects of mammals on ecosystem change at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary. Pages 127-135 In: F. S. Chapin, III, and Ch. K–rner, eds. Arctic and Alpine Biodiversity: Patterns, Causes and Ecosystem Consequences. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
S. A., G. M. Zimova, S. P. Davidov, A. I. Davidova, Y. V. Voropaev, Z. V.
Voropaeva, S. F. Prosiannikov, O. V. Prosiannikova, I. V. Semiletova, and I. P.
Semiletov. 1993c. Winter biotic activity and production of CO2 in
Siberian soils: A factor in the greenhouse effect. Journal of Geophysical
Research 98D:5017-5023.
Zimov, S. A., I. P. Semiletov, S. P. Davidov, I. V. Voropaev, S. F. Prosyannikov, C. S. Wong, and Y.-H. Chan. 1993b. Wintertime CO2 emission from soils of northeastern Siberia. Arctic 46:197-204.
Zimov, S. A., S. P.
Davidov, Y. V. Voropaev, and S. F. Prosiannikov. 1993a. Planetary maximum CO2
and ecosystems of the north. Pages 21-34 in
T. S. Vinson and T. P. Kolchugina, editors. Carbon cycling in boreal forest and
sub-arctic ecosystems: Biospheric responses and feedbacks to global climate
change. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, USA
Zimov, S. A., and V. I. Chuprynin. 1991. Ekosistemy: ustoichivost', konkurentsia tselenapravlennoe preobrazovanie. Nauka, Moscow.
Zimov, S. A. 1990. Chelovek i priroda Severa: garmoniia protivopolozhnostei. Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR 2:118-133.
Zimov, S. A., and V. I. Chuprinin. 1989. Ustoichivye sostoianiia ecosistem Severo-Vostoka Azii. Doklady Akademii Nauk 308:1510-1514.
S. A., and S. M. Govorushko. 1979. Iavlenie izbiratel'nogo taianiia ozernogo
l'da. Materialy
Glatsiologicheskikh Issledovanii 37.
Contact webpage editor: Mimi Chapin