Northeast Science Station 
Cherskii, Russia   

Sergei A. Zimov, Director

P.0. Box 18, Cherskii, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
Tel. 7-41157-2-30-13
FAX: 7-41157-2-25-60  (indicate "For S. Zimov")

  • Location: (69o N, 161o E) 150 km south of the Arctic Ocean on the mouth of the Kolyma River in Northeast Siberia.
  • Year-round base for international research in arctic biology, geophysics, and atmospheric physics.
  • Administration of Pleistocene Park, an experimental wildlife preserve of 160 km2 .

  • Publications of the Northeast Science Station

    Organization Facilities Travel arrangements Pleistocene Park
    Research Personnel Map

        The Northeast Science Station was organized in 1989 by a group of young scientists from the Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  It currently operates within the Nizhnekolymskii Ulus of the Republic of Sakha, Yakutia.
        Major funding for the station has been provided by the Soros Foundation, the Russian Science Foundation, the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation of the United States of America.
